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UFO, accompanied by two aircraft over China

Scott Waring reports a strange image found on one of Google's maps over the territory of China. There are two planes and a white round object on it.

"Now Google has removed all the UFOs I've ever reported on their map for 3-6 months since the video was released, and this image will also disappear in the near future, so please confirm in the video comments on YouTube that it there really are, otherwise many people will simply say that I offered a fake without even checking, "says Scott Waring, author of the blog UFO Diaries.

Location: Xiang Dao, Yang Zheng Xian, Zhumadian, Henan, China 

Coordinates: 32 ° 24'14 .46 "N 114 ° 32'57 .39" E

Waring says: "This glowing ball is most likely a disk, followed by a fog, and the UFO causes a distortion of the space around it, and so we see this trail behind it." We can say that the UFO is smaller than the larger plane and It's because of this that we have the comparative size of the object, which makes it equal or slightly larger than the 747, "says Waring.

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